​​What is Freemasonry?
 It is the oldest, largest and most prestigious fraternity in the world. We are like a civic club, a charitable institution and a fraternity – all rolled into one  We're like a civic club in that we do a large number of community and statewide projects. We're like a charity in that we support many worthwhile causes. But mainly we are a fraternity of men doing good things for each other, and bringing men of good morals and ethics together in our community. 

What is the Mission of Freemasonry?

To promote a way of life that binds like-minded men in a worldwide brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, cultural, social and educational differences. To teach the great principles of brotherly and love, relief truth. And to give outward expression of these things through fellowship, compassion and concern, finding ways to serve God, family, country, neighbors and self. 

What Do Masons Do?

The most important thing we do is take care of each other and our families. We are a fraternity. That means we help other Masons, treat them in special ways, support them no matter where they live, and build friendships all over the world. Not very many organizations do that today. And we help others. That is why we give millions a day to charity, and most of our money goes to help kids. We also teach leadership skills and help men lead an ethics-based life. We promote good relationships and strong family values. We try to do something to strengthen the family unit every day.  

What do you get out of it?

A great amount of pride. A sense of belonging to an organization that exists all over the world. Being part of a great heritage. Sharing an identity with the great men of the past – and of today. Sharing a special bond with men from all walks of life, and creating life-long friendships with them. Being a member of an organization that believes in toleration – that lets each man think for himself and express his own opinions, without worrying about being wrong  

The qualification for Masonic membership?

Freemasonry accepts no one for membership unless he comes of his own free will & accord, having already obtained a favorable impression of our Fraternity. 

There are few other requirements. You must:

• Be a man age 18 or older (although women & younger people can join related groups),
• Believe in a Supreme Being,
• A belief in the immortality of the soul,
• Live an ethical life, and
• Have a strong interest in the Fraternity with a desire to participate in our charities & activities.

An application fee is also required, followed by a background investigation on all applicants.



 Freemasons have committed themselves to building of character and the improvement of life. Masonry's primary objective is to make good men better. Its teachings include brotherhood, morality, charity, justice, tolerance, education and freedom of ideas, of religious choice, and of expression.
Freemasonry is kindness in the home, honesty in business, courtesy in society, fairness in work, pity and concern for the unfortunate, resistance towards the wicked, help for the weak, trust in the strong, forgiveness for the penitent, love for one another, and above all reverence for God.

Freemasonry is many things, but most of all, Freemasonry is a way of life.

 TowPath Lodge#1193

Number 1193 F&AM



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